Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

4 Benefits of Ice Cubes For Your Skin

Ice cubes may not be something that looks special in your eyes. Howeverice cubes can help women keep and care for her beauty. Reported by India Times, here are some ways to take advantage of ice cubes for your skin :

1. Reduces Swelling of the Eye 
To reduce puffy eyes from lack of sleep or rest in tears yesterday, wrap a little ice cubes with a soft cloth and kompreskan eyes. Silence for a moment for a few seconds until the eye feels fresh.

2. Relieves Inflammation
Wrap ice in a cloth or a plastic bag, then kompreskan on inflamed pimples for 10 minutes. In a few short years, decreases redness and inflammation. In addition, pain in inflamed pimples will subside.

3. As the Make-Up Base
Before daub of makeup, usually face first compressed with ice cubes. The goal is to help minimize pores and make the skin look so much smoother. In addition, sticking with the makeup so much beautiful after being compressed with ice cubes. 

4. Make Skin More Supple
After discrub and dimasker. Please continue with compress your skin with cucumber that has been mixed with ice cubes to keep skin moist and supple so much.

From now on, provide ice cubes in your home as a powerful beauty kits for skin beauty. 

*) To get update information about beauty like : make-up tips, skincare, bodycare etc. Please follow my Pinterest account, Luxury Beauty Corner. Click the image below :

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